Using social media tools in online course

    As the semester almost end, I start to think where I am going and what should I prepare for the career in instructional design.

    Being as an educator for roughly five years, I always try to construct a student-centered classroom to engage learners. The last assignment: produsage project really makes me to think how to convert a student-centered, face to face class into a online format. I did research, I found many good social media tools serve perfect function in engage learners and promote knowledge sharing. Among many of tools I tried, seesaw and popplet are two of the best ones.

    Seesaw like a live forum that students and teachers are free to different format of information: drawings, text, pictures, videos and so on. The good part is that teachers make a collection of what students had done for the class. Moreover, all the class members can leave comments, and join the conversations with each other. Even though the Seesaw is designed as a students' portafolio saving tools, I found it is a perfect tools to use in class discussion activities.
   Below are two activities I created for the produsage project:

    Another great tool I used for final project called Popplet. It originally designed for organizing ideas. However, I think it can be a great tool to present learning outcome. It work perfectly when converting face-to-face poster project into online course format. 
Here is the website link and a good example other people created:

    If you are creating an online course, try above tools ! They are fantastic!

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